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Orawan Phumkerd
Worakrit Theunchang
Thanong Thossakrai


This research article aims 1) to study the status of the development of learning skills in the 21st century of learners and 2) to present the guidelines for the development of learning skills in the 21st century of learners according to the Tri-sikkh principle (Threefold Learning). It is a mixed-method research using quantitative research with a sample group of 389 school administrators and teachers in the school. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Qualitative research used the method of interviewing 9 key informants. Data were analyzed by content analysis. The research results found that 1) The development of 21st century learning skills of learners as a whole was at a high level. When considering each aspect, the development level was at a high level in all aspects. 2) The development guidelines for 21st century learning skills of learners in the Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area 3 according to the Tri-sikkh principle consisted of the following: Aspects 1; 3R Reading, school administrators could organize activities to support learners in developing reading skills according to the operation plan by using the Tri-Sikkh principle. Aspect 2; 3R (W) Riting, administrators stimulated writing skills in students, focusing on building good morality, and organizing competition activities to strengthen students in developing their own writing skills. Aspect 3; 3R (A) Rithmatic, educational institution administrators had a method to develop students' computation skills by organizing a variety of activities based on the Tri-Sikkh principle and encouraging students to compete and practice a variety of computation skills. Aspect 4; 8C Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, educational institution administrators focused on creating lesson and activity plans by organizing learning activities that gave students opportunities to work together and use their brains to analyze and solve problems. Aspect 5; 8C Creativity and Innovation, administrators organized projects and activities that promoted creativity and problem solving, using new technological tools. Aspect 6; 8C Collaboration, Teamwork and Leadership, administrators created plans or projects that supported and promoted learning through groups in order to practice managing emotions and cooperation. Aspect 7; 8C Communication, Information and Media Literacy, administrators created activities and teaching that focused on developing morality, concentration, and promoting good communication and receiving abilities. Aspect 8; 8C Cross-cultural Understanding, administrators created understanding and respect for different cultures, and teaching critical thinking. Aspect 9; 8C Computing and ICT Literacy, administrators enhanced knowledge of technology and morality, and promoting critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities through technology-based projects and activities. Aspect 10; 8C Career and Learning Skills, administrators promoted skills and learning to build future careers for learners, with emphasis on providing real-world experiences. In addition, activities promoted analytical thinking and systematic problem solving, in preparation for future study or work. Area 11; 8C Compassion, administrators created plans and projects that focused on developing morality, gratitude, and honesty in learners, using the Trisikkh principle.

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How to Cite
Phumkerd, O., Theunchang, W. ., & Thossakrai, . T. . (2024). GUILDLINES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING SKILLS IN THE 21STCENTURY OF STUDENTS AT NAKHON SAWAN RRIMARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA OFFICE 3 ACCORDING TO THE THREEFOLD LEARNING. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(3), 651–668. Retrieved from
Research Article


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