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This research aims: 1) to study learning behavior according to the Four Basis of Success (Iddhip da) that promoted online learning of Faculty of Education students, 2) to study the level of learning behavior according to the Four Basis of Success (Iddhip da) that promoted online learning of 1st-4th year Faculty of Education students, 3) to suggest learning behavior according to the Four Basis of Success (Iddhip da) that promoted online learning of Faculty of Education students, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. The sample group was 168 students of the Faculty of Education, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. In this research, the researcher used in-depth interviews with 3 lecturers of the Faculty of Education and 5 students of the Faculty of Education. The research instruments were questionnaires and in-depth interviews of lecturers and students. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research results found that 1) Learning behavior according to the Four Basis of Success (Iddhip da) that promoted online learning from interviewing with 8 teachers and students found that students applied the 4 Iddhip da to online learning. The 4 Iddhip da consisted of: "Chanda", satisfaction, applying it to online learning, students must be ready to learn online, be satisfied with learning, and attend classes regularly. "Viriya", perseverance, online learning is learning in front of the screen for a long time, which may cause students to feel tired and bored, therefore, a lot of perseverance is required for online learning to be successful. "Citta", having a focused mind, having concentration in online learning, helping students to concentrate on online learning and have a focused mind. " Vima s ", checking frequently, applying Vima s to online learning, reviewing previously learned content, checking assigned work by teachers for any shortcomings and making improvements. 2) The level of learning behavior according to the 4 Iddhip da principle that promoted online learning of 1st-4th year Faculty of Education students, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, for students aspect; 168 students, found that the overall picture was at a high level for the results of each year ranked from highest to lowest average, 1st year Faculty of Education students were at a high level, 2nd year Faculty of Education students were at a high level, 4th year Faculty of Education students were at a high level, and 3rd year Faculty of Education students were at a moderate level. 3) Suggestions for learning behaviors based on the Four Basis of Success (Iddhip da) that promoted online learning of Faculty of Education students, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (1) 3 Satisfied: Students are ready to learn, turn on their cameras, turn on their microphones, and talk and ask the teacher questions about online learning. The teacher is ready to teach, prepares content, and uses teaching media that can help students better understand the content. (2) 2 Diligent: Students are diligent in attending online classes regularly, attend classes on time according to the class schedule. The teacher reviews the content to create teaching media that is accurate and in line with the content being taught. (3) 2 Determined: Students are determined and focused on learning and doing the assigned tasks. The teacher has activities together in the online class and summarizes the content that has been learned at the end of the online class so that students have a deep understanding of the content that has been learned. (4) 3 Checking: The learners and teacher check their physical and mental readiness, check the readiness of the equipment that will be used in online learning, and the media/content that will be used in online learning.
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