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This research aims 1) to study the academic administration of special classrooms in secondary schools in Saraburi Province based on the principle of Dutiyappanikadhamma and 2) to create a guideline for academic administration of special classrooms in secondary schools in Saraburi Province based on the principle of Dutiyappanikadhamma. A mixed-method research method was used. The quantitative research method was used to collect data from a sample of 291 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of .93. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The qualitative research used a semi-structured interview method by collecting data from 9 key informants and analyzing the data by content analysis. The results of the research found that 1) The academic administration of special classrooms based on the principle of Dutiyappanikadhamma in secondary schools in Saraburi Province, according to the opinions of the questionnaire respondents, was at a high level overall. When considering each aspect, the aspect with the highest academic administration of special classrooms based on the principle of Dutiyappanikadhamma was personnel, followed by management and teaching plans. And the aspect with the lowest academic administration of special classrooms according to the principle of Dutiyappanikadhamma was student admission. 2) Guidelines for academic administration of special classrooms according to the principle of Dutiyappanikadhamma, secondary schools in Saraburi province consisted of (1) Personnel aspect; Educational institution administrators should plan personnel administration by selecting personnel with specific abilities suitable for the special classroom curriculum, knowledge, and skills. Administrators planned to determine the qualifications and characteristics of personnel to select personnel who were suitable, capable, potential, and specialized. (2) Student admission; Educational institution administrators should determine guidelines for selecting students to study in special classrooms that match the needs and aptitudes of students, promoted the creation of surveys to publicize the special classroom project, had a clear plan for recruiting students to study. (3) Teaching plan aspect; Administrators should give importance to creating a curriculum that is specific, consistent with the needs and aptitudes of students, and up-to-date with changes in events. Administrators supported and encouraged teachers to use media that was consistent with the teaching plan. (4) Management aspect; Administrators should have a clear vision, goals, and management plan, planned and organized a management structure that was systematic, correct, and step-by-step. There should be a joint plan to create an action plan or project. There should be a strategy that assigns people, places, and budgets that were consistent with students in special classrooms.
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