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Suddhipong Srivichai
Thanee Suwanprateep
Viroj Koomkrong


This research article aimed to 1) study the development of learning behaviors according to the 6 temperaments, 2) create a knowledge set on the development of learning behaviors of individuals according to the 6 temperaments, and 3) propose the creation of a knowledge set on the development of learning behaviors of individuals according to the 6 temperaments in the Tripitaka. This was a qualitative field research by collecting data from documents and in-depth interviews with 15 key informants. The data were analyzed in terms of content. The research results found that 1) the development of learning behaviors of individuals according to the 6 temperaments in the Tripitaka consisted of people with Rga-carita: one of lustful temperament, people with Dosa-carita: one of hating temperament, people with Moha-carita: one of deluded temperament, people with Saddh-carita: one of faithful temperament, people with Buddhi-carita: one of intelligent temperament, people with Vitakka-carita: one of speculative temperament. 2) The creation of a knowledge set on the development of learning behaviors of individuals according to the 6 temperaments consisted of people with Rga-carita: one of lustful temperament, such as the cases of Phra Nanda and Phra Khema Theri. Dosa-carita was a person whose behavior tended to be hot-tempered and easily angered, such as the case of the glass carpenter. Moha-carita was a person whose behavior tended to be foolish, think less and lazy, such as the case of the Thandaki Forest. Saddh-carita was a person with gullible, such as the case of the Venerable Vakkali. Buddhi-carita was a person who liked to use wisdom, intelligent, having quick wit, such as the cases of a graduated novice. Vitakka-carita was a person with anxious and fearful, such as a case study of Nakkhatta Jataka. 3) A set of knowledge on the development of learning behavior of individuals according to the 6 temperaments in the Tripitaka, consisting of the development of learning behavior of individuals, people with Rga-carita should develop Asubha and Kyagatsati. People with Dosa-carita should develop Kasiṇa and Brahmavihra. People with Moha-carita should develop nāpānasati. People with Saddh-carita should develop the 6 Anussati. People with Buddhi-carita should develop Maraṇasati, Upasamanusati, hārepaṭikūlsaññā. People with Vitakka-carita should develop nāpānasati.

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How to Cite
Srivichai , S. . ., Suwanprateep, T. ., & Koomkrong, V. . (2024). CREATING THE KNOWLEDGE SET OF DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNING INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIORS ACCORDING TO THE SIX CARITA IN THE TIPITAKA. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(2), 158–171. retrieved from
Research Article


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