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Sutidate Suwanla


This article emphasized on the importance of visionary leadership for educational administrators in the current era, which was constantly facing changes and challenges. Executives needed to have a clear vision to lead the organization through obstacles and achieve its goals. Therefore, successful executives should have important qualities, namely, creating a clear and practical vision by integrating the four principles of influence into their work, namely, Chanda (contentment), Viriya (diligence), Citta (intention), and Vima s  (contemplation). Visionary leadership that integrates the four principles of Iddhip da was an important tool in developing education in the current era. Executives with vision could create innovations and lead the organization to achieve its goals effectively.

Executives must also be good role models, be creative, and working as a team to inspire and develop personnel to their highest potential. Visionary leadership that integrated the four principles of Iddhip da was an important tool in developing education in the current era. Executives with vision could create innovations and lead the organization to achieve its goals effectively.

The article suggested that visionary leadership that was consistent with the four principles of influence would help executives in leading the organization to sustainable success, focusing on developing learners to be quality individuals with the skills necessary for living in the 21st century and to be able to cope with change effectively.

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How to Cite
Suwanla, S. . (2024). VISIONARY LEADERSHIP BASED ON THE FOUR IDDHIPADAS AND MODERN EDUCATION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(2), 723–731. retrieved from
Original Article
Author Biography

Sutidate Suwanla, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand

i'm a teacher


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