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Sirichai Kueakul
Sowwanee Sikkhabandit
Panya Theerawitthayalert


The purpose of this research article was to study the conservation management of Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province. It was qualitative research. The research work was divided into 3 phases: Phase 1; studied the conservation of Thai - Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province by interviewing 15 key informants, Phase 2; determined the management model for the conservation of Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province by organizing a group discussion with 9 experts, and Phase 3; evaluating the management model for preserving Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province with a seminar based on 7 experts, data were analyzed using basic statistics and content analysis. The research results found that the management model for the conservation of Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province, had 3 parts: Part 1; the origin of the model, consisting of 1) the concepts and principles of the model, 2) the objectives of the model, Part 2; the elements of the management model preserving Thai-Mon local traditions, Pathum Thani Province, consisted of 1) cultural patterns, way of life, occupations, traditions, culture, relationships, kinship, 2) religion and beliefs, religious principles, beliefs in community harmony, 3) technology, public relations, skills and expertise in using, Part 3; using the model, consisting of 1) factors for using the model, 2) conditions for using the model and the results of the evaluation of the management model for the conservation of local Thai-Mon traditions, Pathum Thani Provinces was useful, appropriate and being possible in practice in overall, it was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Kueakul , S. ., Sikkhabandit, S. ., & Theerawitthayalert, P. . (2024). MANAGING THE CONSERVATION OF THAI-MON LOCAL TRADITIONS, PATHUM THANI PROVINCE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(1), 111–123. Retrieved from
Research Article


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