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This article presented the participatory management of educational institutions according to the principles of Saṇgahavatthu 4, which was an application of the principles of Saṇgahavatthu 4to the participatory management of educational institutions in order to provide an opportunity for people related to educational institutions, including teachers, students, parents, communities, and organizations to think, plan, decide, practice, monitor, and evaluate various activities of educational institutions together in order to brainstorm ideas. There was a participation from a variety of groups of people to create a variety of perspectives, new ideas and approaches emerge in developing educational institutions cooperation, sharing responsibility, helping work to achieve its goals, transparency, revealing information to build trust, reducing corruption problems and sustainability, the policies and activities from cooperation would receive the support and could continue sustainably. In conclusion, the application of the 4 Saṇgahavatthu principles in the participatory management of educational institutions consisted of: 1) Dna: giving, such as allocating scholarships, lunch funds, learning equipment to students in need, supporting research funds, teaching development funds for teachers, awarding scholarships to students with good academic results and good behavior. 2) Piyavca: kindly speech, that was the administrators and teachers speaking politely, gently, respectfully, listening to the opinions of students, teachers, and personnel, creating a pleasant, warm, and safe atmosphere in the educational institution. 3) Atthacariy: useful conduct, that was the administrators and teachers were honest, transparent, and verifiable. The students were honest, respecting the rules, and were responsible for themselves and society. 4) Samnattat: consistency, meant that the administrators treated students, teachers and staff with equality and fairness. Teachers gave importance to every student and promoted the potential of each student so that students could develop physically, emotionally, socially and intellectually to their full potential.
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