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Chaloemsak Musika


Today's world is changing rapidly. Digital technology plays an important role in every aspect of life. Education itself cannot avoid this change. Teachers and educational personnel therefore must constantly develop themselves to be able to support these changes and develop learners to be able to learn and grow effectively in a VUCA World society and live their lives in a correct and good way. And with the Threefold Training being Buddhist principles that emphasize self-development in morality, concentration, and wisdom, this principle can be applied to the development of teachers and educational personnel to develop skills in various areas to support changes in the changing world and lead to the development of students to be able to cope with the changing world.

This academic article had adopted the threefold principle which is an important doctrine in Buddhism that must be studied and practiced in the training of body, speech, mind, and wisdom. The Threefold Training Path is like a compass that guides the practitioner to the goal. It is the principle of developing skills in morality, concentration, and wisdom to support changes in the world of change and lead to the development of students to have the ability to cope with the world of change as desired, that is, 1) Morality: Develop communication skills, develop teamwork skills, develop skills in ethics and morality, develop skills in citizenship, understanding, awareness, and participation in society. 2) Concentration: Develop analytical thinking skills, develop health skills, develop cultural skills and 3) Wisdom: Develop effective digital technology skills, develop learning skills, and develop language skills.

Threefold Training used in the development of teachers and educational personnel would help to develop and strengthen the necessary skills for teachers and educational personnel in the changing world as being able to adapt effectively to keep up with changes and being able to transfer knowledge to students to have the competency as desired.

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How to Cite
Musika, C. . (2024). THREEFOLD TRAINING WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS AND EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL IN A VUCA WORLD. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(2), 678–690. retrieved from
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