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Phramaha Chaowalit Kosachawo (Pokawarakorn)
Intha Siriwan
Thongdee Sritragarn


The objective of this research article were 1) to study components of promoting happy learning according to the principles of Magga Foregoing Signs of school administrators under office of Pathum Thani secondary educational service area, 2) to develop and examine the validity a model for promoting happy learning according to the principles of Magga Foregoing Signs of school administrators under office of Pathum Thani secondary educational service area, and 3) to evaluate the model for promoting happy learning according to the principles of Magga Foregoing Signs of school administrators under office of Pathum Thani secondary educational service area.  Multiphase mixed methods research was designed and was divided into 3 steps. Step 1 was qualitative research using In-depth interviews with 12 administrators qualified individuals selected through purposive sampling. Step 2 was quantitative research using questionnaires to examine the validity of model by data collecting from 265 samples analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and analyzed to validate the model with the empirical data. Step 3 was qualitative research using focus group discussion with 9 experts of qualified school administration analyzing data through content analysis, and content validity index was designed by assessing from 5 school administrators and data was analyzed value of content validity index. Results were shown as follows: 1) The components of promoting happy learning according to the principles of Magga Foregoing Signs of school administrators under office of Pathum Thani secondary educational service area consisted of five main components which were (1) learner characteristics and attributes, (2) teacher preparedness of teaching , (3) learning environment and atmosphere, (4) the principles of Magga Foregoing Sign components, (5) happy learning. 2) A model for promoting happy learning according to the principles of Magga Foregoing Signs of school administrators under office of Pathum Thani secondary educational service area was developed, it had important factors and was a causal relationship model that effected to happy learning. The model consisted of 5 factors which were (1) learner characteristics and attributes, (2) teacher preparedness of teaching , (3) learning environment and atmosphere, (4) the principles of Magga Foregoing Sign components, and (5) happy learning, and fit with empirical data (Chi-square = 179.37, df = 128, p = .0518, GFI = 0.952, AGFI = 0.945, RMR = 0.191). The values of R-SQUARE of happy learning (LH) was 0.776, it indicated that the model variables in learner characteristics and attributes (SA), teacher preparedness of teaching (TR), learning environment and atmosphere (EV) and the principles of Magga Foregoing sign components (DH) could explain the variant of happy learning (LH) at 77.6%. In addition, the principles of Magga Foregoing sign components was a mediator of the developed model. 3) The model for promoting happy learning according to the principles of Magga Foregoing Signs of school administrators under office of Pathum Thani secondary educational service area was evaluated by focus group discussion found that all factors were appropriate. Results of content validity index showed that the developed model was appropriate, accurate, possible to practice, and could be used for utilization. Therefore, knowledge of this research could be summarized to be "POSSIBLE Model".

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How to Cite
Kosachawo (Pokawarakorn), P. C. ., Siriwan , I. ., & Sritragarn, T. . (2024). MODEL FOR PROMOTING HAPPY LEARNING ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF MAGGA FOREGOING SIGNS OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER OFFICE OF PATHUM THANI SECONDARY EDUCATIONAL SERVICE AREA AUSAL. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(2), 183–200. retrieved from
Research Article


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