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The objectives of this research article were: 1) to study the present states and problems of balance school administration under the office of primary education, 2) to develop a model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school administrators under the office of primary education service area, and 3) to propose the model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school administrators under the office of primary education service area. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The quantitative research, the samples consisting data were collected from 397 samples consisting of school directors, deputy directors and teachers by using questionnaires then data were analyzed by content analysis, percentage, mean, standard deviation. The qualitative research by documentary study, purposive in-depth interviews with 5 experts, focus group discussions with 9 experts and experiment the model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school by seminar. The research instruments were documentary study form, questionnaire, interview form, group discussion form and model of balance school administration according to the Threefold Training of school administrators form. The results of the study found that: 1) The need of balanced school administration of school administrators, the highest need was a good physical and mental health. 2) Development of a balanced school administration model according to the principles of the Threefold Training of school administrators: the highest level was on utility, propriety, accuracy and feasibility, respectively. The results from the model tryout were suitable in all aspects. 3) The model of balanced school administration according to the principles of the Threefold Training of school administrators under the office of the primary educational service area consisted of 4 components. They were: (1) Principle; significance of work balance and the principles of the Threefold Training in school work development for effectiveness and happiness in school, (2) Objective; significance of personnel to work with happiness, (3) Process; a guideline of balanced school administration integrated with the principles of the Threefold Training, and (4) Evaluation; presenting the results of model tryout from a seminar. The explicit knowledge in form of language obtained from the study was concluded into H&M FRATS – Mcow for the benefit of school administration.
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