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The purposes of this research article were 1) to study the current conditions, problems and needs assessment for developing teachers in creativity of Phrapariyattidhamma school, general education division area 3, 2) to develop the process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma, and 3) to evaluate the process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma. A multiphase mixed methods research was used for research design between qualitative research and quantitative research and was divided into 3 phases. Phase 1 comprised documentary study and distribute questionnaires to the population, totaling 120 samples by using the entire population. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and needs assessment. Phase 2 comprised interview with 9 key informants, and outline the process. Phase 3 comprised the connoisseurship with 9 experts. And content validity index (CVI) was also used for 5 experts to evaluate the process. The research results found that: 1. The highest needs assessment of each step according to the teacher development process framework consisted of step 1 should have a direct working team and work should be assigned to suit each person's abilities, step 2 should evaluate requirement of teachers and clearly plan, step 3 should be both short-term and long-term evaluations, step 4 should use words of promote, appreciate and encourage, and step 5 should encourage teachers to develop their own qualifications. 2. The process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma was developed and consisted of 2 parts. Part 1 process goal, teachers had creativity according to 4 characteristics; 1) originality, 2) fluency, 3) flexibility, and 4) elaboration. Part 2 the process consisted of 1 Buddhadhamma, 2 factors, and 5 steps as follows: 1 Buddhadhamma was Iddhipāda Dhamma IV, 2 factors were 1) promote the environment and 2) opportunities of learning, and 5 steps were 1) setup, 2) idea, 3) making plan, 4) perform, and 5) assess. 3. Evaluation results of the process found that the developed process showed consensus of the process of teacher development in creative thinking based on Buddhadhamma. The assessment results of content validity index showed appropriate, accurate, possible to practice, and can be used for utilization. In summary, knowledge of this research was the PO – SIMPA Process.
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