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Salilthip Nueanum
Nitipat Kaewprasit
Wilaiporn Samphaonont


This academic article is about the learning management of social studies to develop learners’ competencies in the 21st century. The instructors have to know how to integrate innovation with technology to promote higher-order thinking by using resources, knowledge, and learning centers in the community. They emphasize projects, discussions beyond school learning, learning by doing, using quality technology and resources, and being able to work as a team. Learning management in social studies in the 21st century is to study the existing theory and further through technology with various methods. Religions, moralities, and ethics should be self-studied and practiced in established situations by considering learners' abilities. It might be the Yonisomanasikara method, the Four Noble Truths, or the Threefold Training. Civics, culture, and social life must be self-studied. Learners have to participate in the learning activities. They have to be responsible, like exploring and practicing. They are able to find the answer and summarize the explicit knowledge. They respect each other’s rights and duties and work with each other happily through learning, emphasizing affective development, role play, and situational confrontation. Learners have to adapt economics to their daily lives. They have to practice through the CIPPA model, inquiry-based learning, and problem-based learning to let them solve the problems creatively. They are able to accept other people’s opinions and dare to express themselves. They know how to spend, save money, and buy products and limited services wisely, getting the most benefit. Learners have to do research to solve the problems using technology. They have higher-order thinking and communicate creatively. Instructors manage learning activities along with the Magic If concept, historical process, syndicate, and CRP process. Learners adore the nation, religion, and HM the King. They have good willingness, learning inquiry, and living sufficiently. They realize and acknowledge the importance of national and local history. Learners study geography by acknowledging and understanding natural and man-made phenomena. They can use geographic tools. They have higher-order thinking and good attitudes towards natural resources and environmental conservation. They adapt their geographic knowledge through cooperative and 4MAT-based learning processes.

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How to Cite
Nueanum, S., Kaewprasit, N. ., & Samphaonont, W. . (2024). SOCIAL STUDIES LEARNING MANAGEMENT TO DEVELOP STUDENT COMPETENCIES IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 11(1), 599–619. Retrieved from
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