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Ratchanee Dachasat
Kamolporn Kalyanamitra
Satit Niyomyaht
Tassanee Lakkanapichonchat


The purpose of this research was to 1) to study the organization behavior change: a case study of work from home, and 2) to study the problems and obstacles of organization behavior change: a case study of work from home. This research was qualitative. Key Informants obtained from a purposive selection from executives and general personnel in government and private organizations involved in this study and had experience for work from home while there was controlled of the COVID-19 epidemic, totaling 20 key informants by a purposive selection. The tool using for data collection was a structured interview. The results found that 1) the organizational behavior change: a case study of work from home, including age, due to the deterioration of the body in older people, making it impossible to sit and work for a long time resulting in a work delay.  Gender affected changes in work from home behavior because males were excited, and enjoy working at home, able to perform work immediately, no advance planning. While the female gender was concerned about having to work at home. It took time to adjust. Marital status affected changes in work from home because the married individuals might be distracted by their family and would distract them from work. A person with a single status lived alone had no problem. Personality affected changes in work from home behavior by persons with discipline, being responsibility, being honest with themselves, liked to plan, prioritized, being to manage work and personal time very well. Individuals with independent personalities were open to new things. You could easily adapt to work at home. Attitude affected changes in work from home behavior because people had a good attitude to work at home, being enthusiastic in their work and able to work happily. While the persons had negative attitudes to work at home, lacking of inspiration for work, seeing work at home as a hindrance. Therefore, work was more likely to fail than success. The perception of persons affected changes in work from home behavior by recognizing their roles and responsibilities, people developed responsibility and discipline in their work, 2) the problems and obstacles were lacked of technology availability, lacked of interaction with colleagues, poor communication problems, lacked of technology skills, health and psychological problems, and environment problems.

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How to Cite
Dachasat, R., Kalyanamitra, K., Niyomyaht, S., & Lakkanapichonchat, T. (2023). ORGANIZATION BEHAVIOR CHANGE : CASE STUDY OF WORK FROM HOME . Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 10(2), 87–102. Retrieved from
Research Article


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