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This research article was an experimental study with the following research objectives: 1) To compare the self-efficacy perception of teachers at Rattanakosin School Group before and after the training on the development of educational board games; 2) To investigate the ability of teachers at Rattanakosin School Group to create educational board games; 3) To examine the level of acceptance of educational board games among teachers at Rattanakosin School Group; and 4) To explore the factors influencing the acceptance of educational board games among teachers at Rattanakosin School Group. The sample group consisted of 74 teachers from Rattanakosin School Group, selected using cluster sampling. The research instruments used included 1) a training plan for creating educational board games, 2) an evaluation form for assessing the quality of educational board games created, 3) a questionnaire on the acceptance of educational board games, and 4) a questionnaire on self-efficacy in creating educational board games. The research findings revealed that: 1) After the training on the development of educational board games, teachers at Rattanakosin School Group showed a significantly higher level of self-efficacy perception compared to before the training, with statistical significance at the .05 level. 2) Overall, teachers at Rattanakosin School Group demonstrated a high level of ability in creating educational board games. 3) Teachers exhibited the highest level of acceptance of educational board games (Behavior Intention variable). 4) Attitudes towards board games were found to be able to predict the behavioral intention of teachers at Rattanakosin School Group with 48% accuracy, or at a moderate level.
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