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Nuthawut Ketpadung
Sukanya Chaemchoy


The objectives of this research were to study the level of passionate teacher of teachers at Yothinburana School by using the passionate teacher conceptual framework. This study was conducted with descriptive method. The population was Yothinburana School. The informants were 1 school director and 4 deputy directors, totaling 5 people by purposive sampling and 160 teachers by random sampling, the number of 113 people, a total of 118 people. The research tool was the level of passionate teacher of teachers at Yothinburana School. The data were analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results were found that: The level of Passionate Teacher of teachers at Yothinburana School overall were in the high level. When considering the level of Passionate Teacher of teachers at Yothinburana School, it was deep subject matter Knowledge and teaching techniques had the highest level, was the second reflect on their goals and beliefs, be hopeful in the teaching profession and education, care about their students and see them an important and use of knowledge and emotion simultaneously have the lowest level, respectively.

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How to Cite
Ketpadung, N., & Chaemchoy, S. (2023). A STUDY OF PASSIONATE TEACHER LEVEL OF TEACHERS AT YOTHINBURANA SCHOOL. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 10(2), 226–236. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/260773
Research Article


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