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Phramaha Kamphol Atthapalo (Chamnan)
Kasem Saengnont
Prakrusangkarak Chakkit Bhuripanno


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the desirable characteristics of teacher-monks in Thai society, 2) to study the correlation of factors affecting the development of desirable characteristics of teacher-monks in Thai society, and 3) to propose the factors affecting the development guideline of desirable characteristics of teacher-monks in Thai society. The qualitative and quantitative data were collected for this descriptive research. The quantitative research method was used to extend the results of qualitative research. The data were collected from 310 samples and research tools were interview form and questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation and confirmatory factor analysis. The results of the study showed that: 1) the desirable characteristics of teacher-monks in Thai society consisted of 4 significant factors; discipline, virtue, good personality, good teaching and self-improvement. 2) The correlation of 13 observable variables indicated that there were 78 pairs of variables with statistically significant value at 0 (p < .01) and with range, correlation coefficient at -0.026 to 0.905. In considering the correlation of observable variables, it was found that the majority of variables had correlation with statistical significance and in a positive correlation, and 3) the results of model validity assessment of factors affecting the development guideline of desirable characteristics of teacher-monks in Thai society with the Bhavana IV as a mediator found that the model was fit with empirical data (x2 = 72.47, df = 56, p = .068, GFI = .965, AGFI = .943, RMSEA = .031). When considering the mediator, it was found that Bhavana IV had a higher indirect effect than the direct effect. This means that the developed causal relationship model has Bhavana IV as a good mediator.

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How to Cite
Atthapalo (Chamnan), P. K., Saengnont, K., & Bhuripanno, P. C. . (2022). GUIDELINES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF DESIRABLE CHARACTERISTICS OF TEACHER-MONKS IN THAI SOCIETY. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(2), 1–10. Retrieved from
Research Article


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