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Pornpimon Thanasri
Sowwanee Sikkhabandit
Khwanying Sriprasertpap


The objective of this research was to study the composition and the need for measurement and evaluation. For basic education institutions the sample group was teachers 8 groups of learning subjects. Categorized by Basic Education Core Curriculum, BE 2551. These include Thai language, mathematics, social studies, religion and culture, science, health and physical education, arts, work, career and technology. And foreign languages of 256 people by Purposive Sampling. The research tool was a responsive evaluation questionnaire that identified teachers' needs. Analyze quantitative data using Basic statistics T-value test Analysis of two-way variance and using the Modified Priority Needs Index technique. To prioritize needs is necessary. And analyzing the quality of the data by using content analysis based on work experience with the following research results. 1) The teachers at the basic education level have a need. To develop the ability to measure and evaluate learning outcomes in the field of design, measurement and evaluation of learning and building tools as possible. Followed by the measure and Evaluate learning outcomes and the aspect of scoring, reporting of results and applying the results, respectively. 2) The reason for the highest demand for measuring and evaluating learning outcomes is that teachers lack knowledge and skills. Measurement and evaluation skills. The results of the study, the composition and necessity of learning measurement and evaluation. For a basic education institution, it consists of 3 main components as follows. 1) In the design, measurement and evaluation to promote learning management, tool construction, it was found that the group of teachers teaching the cognitive content had more performance in the measurement and evaluation than the teachers who taught the character content of the cognitive skills. 2) In conducting the measurement and evaluation, it was found that the group of teachers teaching the cognitive content characteristics had more performance in the measurement and evaluation] than the teachers who taught the character traits of the cognitive skills. and 3) On scoring, reporting and applying the results, it was found that the group of teachers teaching the cognitive content had a working condition in the measurement and evaluation to promote learning management. Rather than a group of teachers who teach the nature, content, and skills.


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How to Cite
Thanasri, P., Sikkhabandit, S., & Sriprasertpap, K. (2022). THE STUDY OF COMPONENTS AND NECESSITIES OF MEASURING AND EVALUATING LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR BASIC EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 263–275. Retrieved from
Research Article


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