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Prama Pairat Kaewgo


This academic paper presents Buddhist leadership for school administrators by applying the principles of the Lord Buddha's teachings to fit the disruptive world which educational institutions will have a good policy plan no matter how good is it. However, if educational personnel in educational institutions fail to comply, they cannot achieve the objectives according to the policy plan. Leadership of the educational institution administrators is important and necessary in planning that policy. Educational institute administrators are Buddhist leadership, which is an integrated moral and ethical principle for educational institution administrators to develop modern progressive thinking and is ready to change itself all the time to keep up with the era of globalization and digital disruption. It includes making consistent with the Buddhist way of life and culture of Thai people that have been refined from the teachings of Buddhism that are unique that the world knows, understands and accepts that it is always up to date, and the tenses do not change.

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How to Cite
Kaewgo, P. P. (2022). BUDDHIST LEADERSHIP FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN THE ERA OF DISRUPTION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 452–459. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/255538
Original Article


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