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Pakwilai Champati


This article presents risk management strategies based on Pala Dhamma principles for educational institutions. In the 4.0 era, which is change management since the reform strategic organization up to the risk management process. The importance of change management from the organizational change at the strategic level to process level. "Risk Management" is therefore an element that the importance of good corporate governance in dealing with changes that occur so that the organization can move forward jump to the mission to achieve the specified goals. Therefore, the management must know how to prevent risks that will occur in the school administration, manage risks effectively for the organization face the risk situation to an acceptable level as well as taking into account the achievement of objectives and the goals of the organization are important. A management approach that is feasible to forecast and reduce the negative effects of uncertainty that will happen to the organization but self-management, people management, and administration will produce good results and effective. There must be Buddhist principles applied to the changing situation. The Pala Dhamma IV, which are the principles of Buddhism in modern society consisted of 1) Panya Pala (wisdom) and strength, the power of knowledge, wisdom, knowledge of self, 2) Viriya Pala (effort), strength diligence or a diligent person must have strong willpower and have the courage to make decisions, 3) Anavajja Pala, the power of a work without penalty or damage, 4) Sanghaha strength of synthesis or human relations.

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How to Cite
Champati, P. (2022). RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES BASED ON PHYSICAL DHARMA PRINCIPLES FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE 4.0 EEA. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 471–481. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/254946
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