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Wansiri Ninsukka
Suppawadee Sopawat


Early childhood in the 21st century is developing rapidly in the age of education with the advancement of information technology continuously. There are many ways of learning. Children of this era need life skills to create opportunities to become a digital citizen and to be able to know digital media due to the factors and risks in the digital age that influence early childhood development.  Including creating opportunities for early childhood to citizenship in the digital age by having teachers and parents to be and important key mechanism for quality of childhood development through the role as a good example. Moreover, have the ability to screen media quality and have coordination skills to promote proper learning for early childhood. In order to reduce the risks that can happen to the children, Therefore, digital media technology has been developed to be used in educational management for early childhood children, which has become more active in the daily lives of children or may become part of the lives of adults and their children. If children are not taken care for using media, the consequences are they will consume media and addicted to inappropriate contents. Especially sexual behaviors, violence, imitations and consumerism.

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How to Cite
Ninsukka , W., & Sopawat, S. (2022). DIGITAL CITIZEN IN YOUNG CHILDREN. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(2), 441–450. Retrieved from
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