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Thitaree Yasothara
Montien Chomdokmai
Pharinya Tongsorn


This research article to Pre–service training curriculum development to enhance teacher spirituality for teacher student and implement and evaluate the results of the developed training program for teacher student.  The development research consists of four steps: step 1 fundamentals study, step 2 create a curriculum step 3 curriculum implementation and step 4 the evaluation is to assess the effectiveness of the training course. The sample group used 16 fourth-year teacher students from the Faculty of Education, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University. The sample used 8 program by purposive sampling. Tools used curriculum conformity assessment form, opinion interview form, needs related to the teacher spirit, questionnaire on problem and spirit of teachers, Questionnaire and the need to strengthen the spirit of teacher training satisfaction and feedback form training achievement test the spiritual behavior, and the opinion questionnaire of the stakeholders. Data analyzes include mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research results were found that 1) The training course to strengthen the spirit of teacher for teacher students is the condition, problem, principles, propose, training, training Process, measurement and evaluation. training activities are as follows: Motivation to be a teacher with a spirit of teacher, Experinces, hardships and difficult problems, Model teacher who has spirit of teacher, Teacher-student bond and Development of fundamental psychological traits. The results of assessing were the conformity by the results of the expert curriculum evaluation. Found that the curriculum was appropriate and practical. The consistency index between 0.80-1.00. 2) The results of the training program showed that the training program was carried out and the objectives of the training, the mean score, the mean score for the evaluation of spiritual behavior as a teacher to study behavioral, satisfaction and opinion towards the training course of the trainees found that changes after training. The post-training data was collected significantly higher than the specified criteria at the 0.05 level. The results found that the results of the evaluation of the organization of the trainees to study behavioral changes after training, Overall, the assessment results were at the highest level and the average score of the supervisors interview to study behavioral changes after training. The post-training data was collected statistically significantly higher than the specified criteria at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Yasothara, T., Chomdokmai, M., & Tongsorn, P. (2022). THE PRE-SERVICE TRAINING CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT TO ENHANCE TEACHER SPIRITUALITY FOR TEACHER STUDENTS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(2), 114–129. Retrieved from
Research Article


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