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Anon Misong
Sirirat Srisa-ard
Nataya Pilanthananond


This article presents teachers’ learning management alternatives with appropriate content, pedagogy, and technology selection are the reasons of this research. The objectives were to develop and evaluate teaching scenarios in form of TPACK in chemistry for lower secondary level. The research methodology was to define chemistry concepts and develop TPACK learning guidelines. These data developed were required exactness and appropriateness by sample expert participants; consisted of university science teachers, chemistry experts from The Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology, and educational supervisors. The research tool was a questionnaire about teaching scenario assessment. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The research findings are as follows 1) The chemistry learning guidelines under the concept of matter were divided into 4 sub-concepts. Each sub-concept consisted of 4 learning guidelines, a total of 16 learning guidelines. 2)Most of the experts considered that chemistry teaching scenarios were appropriate at high and the highest levels and would be increased the learning efficiency of teaching chemistry.

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How to Cite
Misong, A., Srisa-ard, S., & Pilanthananond, N. (2022). TPACK TO LEARN FOR SCIENCE: TPACK TO LEARN FOR CHEMISTRY. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(1), 141–153. Retrieved from
Research Article


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