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Sarawut Thapchuaikhwa
Wanisa Punfa
Chakkrit Khanaree
Kanyanoot Taoprasert
Yingyong Taoprasert


The objectives of this documentary research article were to investigate and to gather a list of Thai medicinal plants that could be propagated by tissue culture methods. The compilation was derived from Thai medicinal plants propagation using tissue culture method research. The focus was on Thai medicinal plants that could be propagated as seedlings and then analyzed for classification based on tissue culture method criteria. The results revealed that there were 226 species grown as seedlings ready for planting, with 3 technics of seedlings propagation as follows:1) 164 organ culture, 2) 52 callus culture, and 3) 14 embryo culture. Most of medicinal plants could be propagated by only 1 technic, however, 4 species could be propagated by 2 technics. This research has revealed the species of Thai medicinal plants that can be propagated by successful tissue culture methods. It can be fruitful in the teaching and learning process and can be used as a guideline for expanding the bond of high-quality Thai medicinal plants with large quantities and without mutations in order to support the cultivation of high quality medicinal plants.

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How to Cite
Thapchuaikhwa, S., Punfa, W., Khanaree, C., Taoprasert, K., & Taoprasert, Y. (2021). THE COMPILATION OF THAI MEDICINAL PLANTS USING TISSUE CULTURE METHOD PROPAGATION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(3), 324–336. Retrieved from
Research Article


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