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PhrakruPimondhammapan (Manop Kuntasilo)
Somsak Boonpoo
PhramahaYannawat Thitavaddhano


This research paper aimed to propose administrative model of Mahajataka sermon ceremony. Qualitative research with 3 steps was designed which were: Step 1: study the state of the Mahajataka sermon management, Step 2: develop the model through document study and interview with 5 key informants, Step 3: propose a model by using focus group discussion with 9 experts. Data were analyzed by content analysis. Results found that administrative model of Mahajataka sermon ceremony had 4 parts consisted of the first part of introduction, namely the environment, principles, objectives. Part 2 was the model consisted of the implementation of the process that have a plan for achieving the objectives of the defined format which consisted of administrative elements, management elements, good characteristics management, and procedures management of the commemoration project. Part 3: The implementation process consisted of a decision-making, structure, an assessment approach, and Part 4: Conditions for success by organizing the Mahajataka sermon ceremony that must rely on cooperation, collaborative working and joint ideas of each location in order for the administration of the Mahajataka sermon ceremony to achieve the objectives of the event.

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How to Cite
(Manop Kuntasilo), P., Boonpoo, S., & Thitavaddhano, P. (2021). ADMINISTRATIVE MODEL OF MAHAJATAKA SERMON CEREMONY. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(1), 1–13. Retrieved from
Research Article


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