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Sasiwat Tantiboonyanont


This article tries to present learning management during crises that occur whether it is an epidemic or a natural disaster including the changing conditions arising from digital disruption. They currently affect people of all ages unexpectedly in both economic and social sectors. Dealing with such situations, we must have 1) knowledge that must be diligent, follow up, study and find knowledge that is constantly updated. 2) understanding of uncertain conditions at any time that is inevitability 3) individual adaptation to a meaningful existence. Resilience competency should be support and strengthen at all education levels. This competency will make the group of people today ready for a new way of life.

DISC model help to group learners and is a guideline for choosing a suitable development model initially. The test taker knows what behavior is likely under normal conditions. The whole process is the learning management on cloud technology. The objective is to provide the target audience with convenient access to educational materials suitable for their lifestyle. They are going to be a group of people that will influence the world in the near future.

Resilience competency is the ability to perceive, understand and accept reality that actually happens, but we do not succumb to the difficult situation that arise. We live with life strong-minded, stable, and are ready to face problems. We try to overcome obstacles and move on. Time may heal the trauma that occurs in the individual, but the resilience competency will help people go through suffering quickly. The main reason is that we already know what the meaning of life is. We also know the value in ourselves. This is the motivation that try to survive in any crisis that occurs in life.

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How to Cite
Tantiboonyanont, S. (2021). LEARNING MANAGEMENT TO ENHANCE RESILIENCE COMPETENCY ON CLOUD TECHNOLOGY BASED ON DISC MODEL IN CRISIS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(1), 361–374. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/245530
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