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Nattaya Rattaninphatompak
Narong Pimsan
SiriKarn Tanawutpornpinit


The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the conditions of personnel administration of private schools in general type under the Nakhon Nayok Provincial Education Office, 2) to develop personnel administration strategies of private schools in general type under the Nakhon Nayok Provincial Education Office, and 3) to assess the appropriateness and possibility of the strategy. Mixed methods research was used for the design, and 3 steps were conducted. Step 1, studying the conditions of personnel administration of private schools in general type under the Nakhon Nayok Provincial Education Office. Questionnaires were used for data collection from 35 samples of the top executives and the deputy director of private educational institutions. Step 2, the strategic development by collecting data from 9 key informants. Step 3, the assessment of the appropriateness and possibility of the strategy, and there were 35 samples from the top executives and the deputy director of private education institutions using the assessment form of appropriateness and possibility of strategy.  Qualitative data were analyzed by using content analysis, and quantitative data were used descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Research results were as follows: 1) the conditions of personnel administration of private schools in general type under the Nakhon Nayok Provincial Education Office showed that the overall operational level was at a high level in all 5 aspects consisted of development, planning, maintaining, performance appraisal, and recruitment. 2) Personnel administration strategies of private schools in general type under the Nakhon Nayok Provincial Education Office consisted of 5 strategies as follows: planning strategy, recruitment strategy, development strategy, maintaining strategy, and evaluation strategy. 3) Assessment results of appropriateness and possibility in implementing the personnel management strategies of private schools in general type under the Nakhon Nayok Provincial Education Office found that it was shown at the highest level of appropriateness and possibility.

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How to Cite
Rattaninphatompak, N., Pimsan, N., & Tanawutpornpinit, S. (2020). STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF PRIVATE INSTITUTION TYPES UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF NAKHON NAYOK PROVINCIAL EDUCATION OFFICE. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(1), 214–227. Retrieved from
Research Article


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