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Phrakruviwatthammanukul (ood Dhammapalo)
Suddhipong Srivichai
Somsak Boonpoo


The objective of this research paper is to propose a development of the characteristics of the Brahmavihara Dharma. For school administrators Mixed research There are 3 research steps which are step 1: study the characteristics of school administrators in elementary schools Questionnaires were used by 400 primary school teachers. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Step 2: Development of Brahma Vihara By interviewing 24 important information with a semi-structured interview form Data was analyzed by content analysis. And step 3 proposing the development of the characteristics of the Brahmavihara Dharma By a group of 17 experts with questions for the group discussion. Data was analyzed by content analysis. The conclusion of the research shows that Development of the Brahmavihara Dharma Characteristics For school administrators It consists of 4 main components which are 1 component, principles 1) Principles of school administration Is the process of working in schools in 4 areas which are academic administration Budget management Personnel management General administration 2) Characteristics of school administrators Is the physical characteristics and behavioral expression of the person who is a part of the character, showing it to others to see 4 things, namely knowledge and ability Social maturity and tolerance Responsible Have good human relations 3) Phrawisawitham It is a principle that must be kept as the heart for the executives in 4 things which are mercy, love, good wishes, want others to be happy, compassion, compassion, thoughts, help to be free from suffering, joyfulness, when others are happy, have equality, neutral mind. Element 2: Objective, Element 3: Implementation system and component 4: Process of integrating the school administrators' characteristics with the Brahmavihara In summary, the knowledge from the research is CBS.

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How to Cite
(ood Dhammapalo), P., Srivichai, S., & Boonpoo, S. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF CHARACTERISTICS BASED ON BRAHMAVIHARADHAMMA FOR SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(1), 27–38. Retrieved from
Research Article


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