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SiriKarn Tanawutpornpinit
Narong Pimsan
Bungorn Kosonparinyanantha


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop a training curriculum of an external quality assurance in education of basic education level, 2) to try out a training curriculum of an external quality assurance in education of basic education level, and 3) to evaluate a training curriculum of an external quality assurance in education of basic education level. Mixed methods research was used and three phases were conducted. Phase 1 was to develop a training curriculum using interviewed 5 key informants and data were analyzed by content analysis. Phase 2 was to try out a training curriculum with 90 teachers and administrators using test paper for assessment between pretest and posttest, and t-test, mean and standard deviation were used for the analysis. Phase 3 was to evaluate a training curriculum using an evaluation form with 5 school directors and teachers, data were analyzed by using mean and standard deviation. Results showed that a training curriculum of an external quality assurance in education of basic education level consisted of (1) objectives, (2) contents, (3) training activities, (4) training medias, and (5) measurement and evaluation. 2) Results of try out indicated that after attending the developed training curriculum had mean score of knowledge higher than before training and had shown significant difference at .05 level.  3) Result of training curriculum development revealed that it was shown at the most appropriate level in overall. Considering each aspect indicated that all aspects were shown at the most appropriate level. The mean of each aspect in the order consisted of the 3rd aspect of usefulness of the curriculum, the 4th aspect of utilization, the 1st aspect of correction and appropriateness, and the 2nd aspect of the appropriateness of the curriculum. Considering each item showed that time and contents had shown at more level.

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How to Cite
Tanawutpornpinit, S., Pimsan, N., & Kosonparinyanantha, B. (2020). A CURRICULUM OF AN EXTERNAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(1), 121–132. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/241146
Research Article


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