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The purposes of this research articles were 1) to study the state of the Pali 9 graduates potential in the 21st century, 2) to study the process of developing the Pali 9 graduates potential in the 21st century, and 3) to examine process of developing the Pali 9 Graduates Potential in the 21 Century. Mixed methods research was used for research design and was designed into three phases. Phase 1 studied the potential condition with the questionnaires and was used by 114 samples. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Phase 2 studied the development process with 5 key informants using an interview, and data were analyzed using content analysis. Phase 3 validated the development process with focus group discussion of 8 experts and analyzed by content analysis. Results showed that 1) the state of the Pali 9 Graduates potential and the overall was at a high level in all 5 aspects consisted of 1) knowledge, 2) skills, 3) ability, 4) value, and 5) personal features. When considering the potential in each aspect, it has shown the highest mean to least were personal features, value, ability, skills and knowledge. 2) The process of developing the Pali 9 Graduates Potential has shown 5 parts consisted of Part 1 principle, Part 2 objectives, Part 3 preparation of development divided into 3 steps consisted of before development, during development, and after development. Part 4 development processes consisted of 1) the state of the Pali 9 Graduates potential, 2) Buddhist principles by Iddhipāda IV, 3) process of capacity development in all 5 areas which were essence, objectives, learning management, equipment, activity, development method and evaluation method. Part 5 evaluation of development results using the CIPP technique and concluded knowledge of research to be KSAVPI. 3) The examine process of developing the Pali 9 Graduates potential was divided into 5 parts consisted of principle, objectives, preparation, development process and assessment was appropriateness and usefulness that can be applied to Phra Pariyattidhamma Schools in Pali section with effectively.
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