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Chontawan Khumphet
Ruangsanka Ruangsanka
Somsak Boonpoo


The purpose of this research was to propose a system for promoting happiness according to Buddhadhamma principles of teachers in schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. Mixed methods research was designed and there were 3 steps of research methods which were 1) studying the problems of promoting the happiness according to Buddhadhamma principles of teachers, 2) developing the system to promote the happiness according to Buddhadhamma principles of teachers, 3) presenting the systems for promoting the happiness according to Buddhadhamma principles of teachers. Research design consisted of document study, in-depth interviews with 8 key informants and validation of structural model by analyzing the linear structure relationship of happiness promotion system according to Buddhadhamma principles of teachers. Researcher has created from focus group discussion and collected from 437 executive questionnaires. Research results found that happiness promotion system according to Buddhadhamma principles of teachers for schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration consisted of 5 components which were 1) inputs factor, 2) process of promoting teachers' happiness, 3) input factors, 4) feedback, 5) environment. Results of validated model of promoting happiness according to Buddhadhamma principles of teachers in teachings for the schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, it found that the model fit with the empirical data very well adhered to the principle of consistency. Result showed that it did not reject the hypothesis that the research model fit with the empirical data.

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How to Cite
Khumphet, C., Ruangsanka, R., & Boonpoo, S. (2020). THE HAPPINESS PROMOTION SYSTEM ACCORDING TO BUDDHADHAMMA PRINCIPLES OF TEACHERS IN SCHOOLS UNDER THE BANGKOK METROPOLITAN ADMINISTRATION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(1), 145–158. Retrieved from
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