


ลูกศร.gif  From Vol. 9 No. 1 (Jan-Apr 2024) onwards, the JSBS will have added the First Author’s and Corresponding Author’s e-mails on the first page of each article. ดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดี5.gif

ลูกศร.gif  The Journal of SaengKhomKham Buddhist Studies has changed the executive editor. Ven. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phramethiwachirakun as the vice-rector of MCU, Phayao Campus has became a new executive editor since 1st of October 2023 onwards. ดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดีดี5.gif

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Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Journal of SaengKhomKham Buddhist Studies (May - August 2024)
View All Issues

Aims and Scope:

          The Journal of SaengKhomKham Buddhist Studies (JSBS) is an academic journal published thrice a year (1st issue January-April, 2nd issue May-August, 3rd issue September-December). Its' objectives are as follows: 

          1) it aims to promote research, academic, and review articles, along with book reviews for researchers, academicians, lecturers, and graduate students. The Journal focuses on the subjects of Buddhism and Philosophy, Teaching of Social Studies, Teaching of Thai Language, and Political Science;

          2)  to exchange and learn concepts of Buddhism with modern sciences, including integration of various subjects of lecturers, officials, students of MCU and other universities and organizations for responding to the responsibilities of an academic service to society;

          3)  to publish the activities of MCU, Phayao Campus and coordinate with learning activities for propagating the academic work and body of knowledge of lecturer, officials, students of MCU.

          All the articles published are peer-reviewed by a double-blind process using at least three experts. This is required for both Thai and English articles.

          The articles, submitted for JSBS, should not be previously published or under consideration of any other journals. The author should carefully follow the submission instructions of the journal, including the reference style and format.

          Views and opinions expressed in the articles published by JSBS are of responsibility by their authors and not the editors and do not necessarily reflect those views or opinions of the editors.

          In case of editors or peer reviewers having to consider revision of articles, we reserve the right to reject all articles which are not following to the aims or scope of the JSBS.

          If articles are accepted by peer reviewers for publishing, the author(s) will receive a guarantee letter from the JSBS (only author who is required of it).

Publication Fees:

          6,000 Baht per each article

Payment of Fees:

          After author(s) have sent the article and filled out the application form online, the editors will inform the author to pay the fee through this bank:

          Bank Name: Government Saving Bank (GSB)

          Branch: University of Phayao [in Thai]

          Depositor Name: Journal of SaengKhomKham Buddhist Studies, MCU, Phayao Campus [in Thai]

          Account Number: 020320117631

          After author has transferred or deposited, please send a payment slip to this email: jsbsmcu@gmail.com (if there is any organization to print out the name of receipt, please inform with such a payment slip).

          JSBS will not return the publication fees to the author if the article has been rejected, as the amount will be paid to peer-reviewers for the job.


          Frequency of Issue: 1st Issue January – April; 2nd Issue May - August; September - December