Competency-Based Curriculum to Develop Skills in the 21st Century
competency-based curriculum, competency, skills in the 21st centuryAbstract
This article aimed to study the development of a competency-based curriculum, which is an important factor that will lead to the development of student skills in the 21st century that aims at enabling students to develop the core competencies necessary for work, problem solving and living. In the situation that there is a change in the social context and the world situation in the 21st century, it can be seen that the students are unable to apply the knowledge gained from the study to keeping up with the changes in the world as they should be. The important factor is that courses of study at various levels have not responded to the changes that have occurred in the 21st century, which results in students having knowledge but lacking skills and competencies in using knowledge, including the ability to apply knowledge to solve problems for the benefit of life. They mostly learn by remembering; therefore, they have knowledge and understanding at superficial level. They do not deeply and really know, and do not fully know themselves and their own potential and aptitude. They also do not see the value of learning and think that learning has no meaning for them and their living. It is mainly caused by teaching and evaluation of teachers, which is the result of courses that impose too many learning standards and indicators and content-based courses, including teaching and learning management that is not effective enough to be in accordance with the indicators. Because the curriculum is a framework for teachers’ teaching teachers, it is necessary to adjust the curriculum in the direction leading to the quality of learners as desired. If you want high performance learners who are able to apply knowledge to real life, the curriculum revision needs to aim at developing a competency-based curriculum. It is, therefore, necessary and very important to develop a competency-based curriculum, in order to aim for the development of 21st century skills for students because it is a guideline that can direct teaching and learning to the development that focuses on skills and competencies that are necessary for students in the 21st century, and because success in life of learners depends on level of competency of the learners themselves. The competency-based curriculum can solve these problems, and will lead to the development of students' skills in the 21st century as well.
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