Effects of reflective teaching in Practice of Principles and Techniques in Nursing Practicum

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Chonlakarn Songsri
Tepthai Chotchai


This research aimed at investigating of 1) the opinions of nursing students towards teaching and learning by reflection method in practice courses of nursing principles and techniques, 2) the learning outcomes in 6 areas and learning outcomes on basic nursing skill practice In the course of practice, principles and techniques in nursing.  The samples were second year nursing students nursing students, Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Udonthani. The research instruments were a questionnaire with 5 rating scales, the reliability of the questionnaire was 0.98, and an open-ended questionnaire as to obstacles and suggestion toward learning by reflection method. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, and content analysis of qualitative data.

The results of the students' opinions on teaching and learning were found that Overall all aspects are at a high level (Mean=4.13,S.D=0.71). The consistency with the course was at the highest level. (Mean=4.23,S.D.=0.74). The subjects in self-awareness in the high level (Mean=4.18,S.D.=0.73). There were a high level of students self-development. (Mean=4.09,S.D.=0.67). The objectives of the 6 learning outcomes were found that the moral and ethics had the highest level of results (Mean=4.30,S.D.=0.75), followed by interpersonal skills (Mean=428,S.D.=0.78), and operational skills (Mean=4.02,S.D.=0.72). The assessment of basic nursing practice skills found that, oral medication skills were at the highest level (Mean=4.22,S.D.=0.71), followed by vital signal skills (Mean=4.20,S.D.=0.68), feeding skills feeding skills (Mean=4.09,S.D.=0.71), and wound care skills (Mean=4.01,SD.=0.68).The qualitative data showed that the students reflected their daily work, they  develop themselves and more  understand the provision of nursing to patients.

Suggestions for teaching and learning by using reflective writing affect awareness, lead them to self-development and learning outcomes, which results in the development of practical skills.

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How to Cite
Songsri, C. ., & Chotchai, T. . (2020). Effects of reflective teaching in Practice of Principles and Techniques in Nursing Practicum. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(2), 217–229. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/242018
Research Article


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