Purpose and Scope of Publication    
          Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus Is a quarterly academic journal (4 issues per year, issue 1 January-March, issue 2 April-June, issue 3 July-September and issue 4 October-December) with the objective of promoting study and research. and to disseminate research articles and academic articles to researchers, academicians, faculty members, and graduate students. in the Buddhist dimension and interdisciplinary studies in the humanities and social sciences. that brings the knowledge of Buddhism to be integrated with fields related to the humanities and social sciences, including the field of public administration and fields of study

          Articles considered for publication have been reviewed by at least 2 experts (Peer Review). Consider publishing both Thai and English articles. Views and opinions appearing in the Journal of Graduate Studies Khon Kaen are the responsibility of the author of that article. and not regarded as the opinion of the Journal of Graduate Studies Khon Kaen University The journal does not reserve the right to copy. But refer to the source.

Peer Review Process  
          Every article must be reviewed by at least 2 expert experts, both experts and authors who do not know each other's names. (Double-Blind Review)

Types of articles
          Research Article
          Academic Article
          Book review Article

Publication Language 
          Thai language

Release schedule (Journal published 4 issues/year)
         Issue 1 January - March
         Issue 2 April - June
         Issue 3 July - September
         Issue 4 October - December

         Graduate Studies, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Khon Kaen Campus.