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Sutthiphan Aranyavat
Prakhu Akutarasatatikoon (Wongtham)
Prakhu Pariyatworamathee (Thipmanee)


The purpose of this research: 1. To study the principles and ecological guidelines for community management of monks in the northeastern region, 2. To study the policy and mechanism of community forest management of the people sector and local government organization In the northeast region, 3. To strengthen the network of community forest management in the northeast region in accordance with Buddhist ecology.  Conducting research using qualitative research methods the research areas of Maha Sarakham Province, Roi-Et Province and Kalasin Province.

The results of the research showed that.

  1. Ecology principles and guidelines in Buddhism doctrine are divided into 2 parts, which are dharma and discipline. Which shows the value of nature and environment which is the most important contribution to life is to be free from suffering. Natural forests are the 4 source of livelihoods. The monks are spiritual community leaders. Able to apply social doctrines and practices to help drive conservation and management of community forests to achieve the goal.

  2. Policy on community forest management of the people and local administrative organizations And the concept of community forest conservation and community forest management model of monks in the northeast region, found that is Forest Restoration, Conservation forest, Anti-Injustice, Awareness and development promotion.

  3. Strengthening the network of community forest management in the northeastern region in accordance with Buddhist ecology Methods or guidelines include Establishment of a community forest committee Which is a representative of the villagers Selected from people who are selfless and knowledgeable and interested in forest conservation Responsible for determining policies or management guidelines For the benefit and worthiness and sustainability Set rules for mutual use. And strict compliance with those rules.

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How to Cite
Aranyavat, S., Akutarasatatikoon (Wongtham), P., & Pariyatworamathee (Thipmanee), P. . (2020). THE FOREST : COMMUNITY IN THE NORTHEAST BY THE ECOLOGY OF THE BUDDHA. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(2), 230–246. retrieved from
Research Article


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