Community Enterprise Development in Small SME Entrepreneurship Using the PLC process, the community of professional learning at BuengPhra District, Phitsanulok Province

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Sarinya Marasri


The purpose of this research is to study management, problem levels, participation in the management of community enterprise groups and analyze factors affecting the development of community enterprise groups. Using the PLC process, professional learning community It is a mixed methods research. The sample group included a group of 120 people from Bueng Phra Subdistrict, a group of 10 community leaders, and a group of 10 government and private sector officials, totaling 140 people, using a survey study method. group chat and in-depth interviews
The research results found that
1. Management and level of participation in the management of community enterprise groups of the community found that 1) Social capital: creating participation of people in the community leads to the greatest success in community development, followed by the joint use of social capital.
2) The most creative marketing is creating products that are unique to the local area. And the least is product development and design. Using the creativity of people in the community 3) The greatest potential of social networks is creating a good attitude towards joining social networks and having networks with shared morale and intentions. And the least is the cooperation of various networks, which affects the success of community organizations. 4) The highest development process is creating a participatory process for working together. And the least is a survey of social capital. and community resources Suggestions are listened to. and community needs
2. Level of problems and participation in community enterprise development Production problems of herbal community enterprises were found, namely lack of raw materials and lack of modern production tools. and do not have the skills to produce raw materials used in production are of inconsistent quality
3. Factors affecting the development of community enterprise groups Using the PLC process, professional learning communities are developing promotional projects and expanding distribution channels for community enterprise products. Procurement of modern machinery Establish a center for testing and certifying product quality standards. Developing community enterprise networks towards sustainability Strengthening new community enterprise entrepreneurs Organizing an exhibition of herbal community enterprise products, Bueng Phra Subdistrict, Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province


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How to Cite
Marasri, S. (2023). Community Enterprise Development in Small SME Entrepreneurship Using the PLC process, the community of professional learning at BuengPhra District, Phitsanulok Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 10(3), 215–229. Retrieved from
Research Article


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