The Model for Student’s Desired Characteristics Development Following in Private Schools in Chiyaphum

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Narisara Taprab
Somjet Phusri
Siri Thee-Asana


This is a research and development aiming to: 1) investigate the current state of the student’s desired characteristics following in private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission (OPEC); 2) create the model for the student’s desired characteristics development; and 3) examine the outcome after trying out the model. The research method consisted of 3 phases for each of three sample groups; namely, Phase 1: 6 school director, 15 teachers; Phase 2: 7 experts to draft the model, 7 evaluators to verify the model’s suitability; and Phase 3: 200 students and 50 teachers for the activity follow-up and evaluation after trying out the model with the students in private schools in Chiyaphum province. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, and standard deviation

            The outcome suggested that the current state of the student’s desired characteristics was concerned with 8 issues including: 1: Faith in country, Religion, and Monarchy or good citizenship; 2: Honest; 3: Discipline; 4:  Knowledge seeking; 5: Sufficient living; 6: Work-oriented; 7: Love for Thainess; and 8: Public mind. These 8 characteristics were presented at a moderate level.

            In term of the activity for the student’s desired characteristics development following in private schools under the office of the Private Education Commission, it was found that the experts agreed that those 19 activities were most appropriate and rated with a highest score in terms of the objective, goal, key indicator, activity type/working procedure and benefits.

Before joining the activities, the student’s characteristics were performed at a moderate level (=2.72, S.D. = 0.90) but after doing the activities, their characteristics were raised to a good level for all 8 issues (= 4.49, S.D. = 0.64). This confirms the students have developed their desired characteristics after joining the activities and all of their scores were different and statistically significant (.05). 

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How to Cite
Taprab, N., Phusri, S., & Thee-Asana, S. . (2019). The Model for Student’s Desired Characteristics Development Following in Private Schools in Chiyaphum. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(3), 548–565. retrieved from
Research Article


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