Development of Indicators of Computer, Information, Communication & Technology Skills of 21st-Century Graduates

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Sunan Siphai
Jirattikorn Siphai


The research aimed to develop indicators of computer, information technology, and communication skills of 21st-century graduates. The sample consisted of 10 experts in education, 10 students for the development of indicators of computer, information technology, and communication skills of 21st- century graduates, and 1,165 students for the development of indicators of computer, information technology, and communication skills in the second-order confirmatory factor, selected by multistage sampling. The instrument was a questionnaire on graduates’ computer, information technology and communication skills, obtained from the development of indicators and an interview form. The results of the development of indicators of computer, information technology and communication skills of 21st century graduates revealed that there were 3 components and 51 indicators as follows: Component 1: computer skills (13 indicators); Component 2: information technology skills (18 indicators); and Component 3: communication skills (20 indicators); and that the model had the construct validity, and it had the statistical significance asequation = 661.918 , df = 669, p-value = 0.5699, CIF = 1.000, TLI = 1.000, RMSEA = 0.000, SRMR = 0.016 and equation/df = 0.989. Factor loadings of standard components of the indicators were all statistically significant at the .01 level.

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