Teacher Professional Capital Scale: Psychometric Properties and Social Desirability Response Validation
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This research aimed to create the Teacher Professional Capital Scale (TPCS) in the Thai context and validate its psychometric properties and the measurement model developed. The sample of this research comprised 461 teachers, derived via multistage sampling. Two instruments were used in this research: (1) 36-item TPCS (with IOC between 0.57–1.00) and (2) Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding-16 (BIDR-16) to measure social desirability response (SDR). After the tryout (n = 56), the internal consistency reliability and composite reliability for TPCS were computed (.862 and .889 respectively). After analyzing the data with the EFA (N = 231), the researchers found that the first-order measurement model of TPCS was reserved, with 16 items left. Then, CFA was conducted, and it was found that the model was well-congruent with the empirical data ((45) = 59.520, p = .072, GFI = 0.958; CFI = 0.997, RMSEA = 0.030 (p = .785)). It was also discovered that Human Capital (HC) and Decisional Capital (DC) were mildly correlated with SDR, reflecting the relationship between SDR and the traits that the scale aimed to measure.
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