Using Competencies as a Basis for Designing Teacher Preparation Processes: A Case Study of Bachelor’s Degree of Music Education Program, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University

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Kiatsuda Srisuk
Tawat Assawadecharit
Norasate Udakarn
Hattaya Hefner
Tanyaluck Phuriyaphan
Ohm Chanteyoon
Amara Sukboonsang
Jaree Sukboonsang
Chonchanok Kaewwandee
Anchalika Khanti
Kanokrat Punta
Kanjarrat Mahathnanant


This research aimed to create a philosophy, objectives, learning outcomes of the curriculum, learning outcomes at the end of the academic year, curriculum structure, and guidelines for organizing extracurricular activities to enhance the Bachelor of Education curriculum, Music Program, Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai university, using music teacher competencies as the basis in designing and assessing the appropriateness of the philosophy, objectives, learning outcomes of the curriculum, learning outcomes at the end of the academic year, curriculum structure, and extracurricular activities to enhance the Bachelor of Education curriculum in Music Program that had been constructed. There were 3 target groups: Group 1 provided data for setting philosophy, objectives, learning outcomes of the curriculum, and learning outcomes at the end of the academic year. The group members were 3 university music teachers teaching music majors, 5 university education teachers, and 2 music teachers from basic education schools, totaling 10. Group 2 provided data on designing the structure of courses in the curriculum and extracurricular activities. The group members were 8 university music teachers teaching music majors, 8 university education teachers, and 4 music teachers from basic education schools, totaling 20. Group 3 provided data for the assessment of the appropriateness of the philosophy, objectives, learning outcomes, and learning outcomes at the end of the academic year, and extracurricular activities in producing music teachers. After that, all of these matters were brought under consideration by 4 music experts, 3 education experts, and 2 teachers from basic education schools. There were 3 sets of tools: (1) a record of group discussions on the philosophy, objectives, and learning outcomes; (2) a record of group discussions on the structure of the curriculum and the extracurricular activities; and (3) an appropriateness checking form. The research was conducted from January to March 2024. The statistics employed were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.
The findings were as follows:
1. A philosophy, 6 objectives, 6 learning outcomes, and 4 learning outcomes were obtained at the end of the academic year.
2. A curriculum structure was obtained. It contained 144 credits, comprising 30 credits of general education, 108 credits of specific courses divided into 39 credits of the teaching processes, 60 credits of music major courses, 9 credits of teaching how to play different musical instruments, and 9 credits of free electives. Also, guidelines for organizing 5 curricular activities were obtained.
3. The assessment of the philosophy, objectives, annual learning outcomes, curriculum structure, and extracurricular activities revealed suitability and consistency with the music teacher competencies which are important goals of development.

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