The Research Synthesis of Learning Management Methods Affecting Thai Reading Skills for Primary School Students with Learning Disabilities: Meta-Analysis

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Usuma Singklang
Tatsirin Sawangboon


This research aimed to (1) study the characteristics of research and (2) compare the effect size of the learning management methods affecting Thai reading skills for primary school students with learning disabilities. Forty-one research reports on the research database (ThaiLiS) which were published from 2011 to 2022 were synthesized. The research instrument was a form for recording research characteristics. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and analysis of effect size using the formula of Glass (1976).
The research results were as follows: (1) Most of the researches were published in 2012, from Songkhla Rajabhat University. The field most studied was special education. Most of them were Master’s degree theses. The longest period used in the experiment was 16 - 25 periods/hours, followed by less than 15 periods/hours. The most commonly used research design was the One Group Pretest Posttest Design, followed by the Pretest Posttest Control Group Design. The independent variables used in the research were mainly learning management media, followed by learning management methods/teaching styles. The dependent variables used in most researches were mainly word reading/basic words/vocabulary/spelling, followed by reading consonants, vowels, and tones. (2) From the synthesis of 41 studies, it was found that there were 44 of the effect size with an average of 9.05 and a standard deviation of 7.09. The research characteristics that can explain the differences in the effect size with statistical significance at the .05 level were the duration of the experiment and research design.


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