The Rasisalai School Supervision Model to Promote the Competency of Student-Centered Learning Management
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The purposes of this study were 1) to study baseline data of needs for a model of internal supervision to promote competency of student-centered learning management in Rasisalai School, 2) to develop an internal supervision model, 3) to try out the internal supervision model, and 4) to study the impact of using the Rasisalai School supervision model to promote student-centered learning management competency. The target group was 96 teachers in the academic year 2022. The instruments used were document analysis, interviews, an achievement test, a questionnaire, observations, and evaluations. Data analysis employed percentage (%), arithmetic means (), standard deviation (S.D), t-test for dependent samples, and content analysis.
The results were as follows: 1) the baseline data of needs were law, policy, concepts, and theories in education concerning student-centered learning management; urgent problems were low academic achievement, teachers lacking cognizance of student-centered learning and not promoted to seriously organize student-centered learning; 2) The Rasisalai School internal supervision model to promote student-centered Learning competencies was called the SUPER Model. It had 5 main steps as components. Step 1 was Set about; S—Preparation; Step 2 was Upgrade; U—Enhancement of experience; Step 3 was Process; P— Internal Supervision Process; Step 4 was Evaluation; E—Evaluation, and Step 5 was Reflection; R—Reflection. 3) The results of the tryout revealed that the teachers had the highest level of overall student-centered learning competency, and 4) The impacts of using the model were: that the supervisors and the supervisees were, on the whole, very satisfied with the Rasisalai School’s internal supervision model. The O-NET results and learning achievement in the academic year 2022 were higher than in 2021. This was because all elements of the model were appropriate and consistent with each other. It was a process that was continuous and inter-related. The supervisors and the supervisees understood their roles and had a sincere commitment to learning management development, under the guidance of experts and the support of the administrators.
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