Causal Relationship Model Influencing Work Engagement of Teachers in Learning Management in Small-sized Schools in the Northeastern Region
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The objectives of this research were 1) to study the state of problems in learning management and teachers’ solutions in small-sized schools in the Northeastern Region, 2) to study the teachers’ perception of self-efficacy in learning management, expectations for learning management outcomes, and teachers’ engagement in learning management in small-sized schools in the Northeastern Region, and 3) to develop a causal relationship model influencing work engagement of teachers in learning management and validate it with the empirical data. The sample consisted of 540 teachers in small-sized primary schools in the Northeastern Region, obtained by using multi-stage sampling. The research instruments comprised a questionnaire, having the IOC ranging from 0.80 - 1.00. The research was divided into 4 parts: Part 1— Basic Information, Part 2—State of problems in learning management and solutions, Part 3—Training needs for development towards solving problems, and Part 4—Assessment which consisted of 1) a perception assessment form for self-efficacy in learning management, with r ranging from 0.73 - 0.91 and α = 0.95, 2) an assessment form for expectation of learning management outcomes with, r ranging from 0.68 - 0.89 and α = 0.94, and 3) an assessment form for teachers’ engagement in learning management, with r ranging from 0.73 - 0.96 and α = 0.93. The statistics used in this research were frequency, percentage, mean, and SD, and analysis of causal relationship model.
The findings were as follows:
1. The state of problems in learning management, as a whole, was at the high level (M = 4.35, SD= 0.49). Most teachers solved the problems by using DLTV. And their training needs for development towards solving problems was at the high level (M = 4.27, SD = 0.74).
2. The teachers’ perception of self-efficacy in learning management was at the high level (M = 3.86, SD= 0.69), the expectation for learning management was at the high level (M= 4.13, SD= 0.64), and the teacher’s engagement in learning management was at the high level (M = 4.10, SD= 0.62).
3. The developed causal relationship model was consistent with the empirical data, as = 3.37, df = 3,
/df = 1.12, p-value = 0.33, GFI = 0.99, AGFI = 0.97, NFI = 0.99, TLI = 0.99, CFI = 1.00, RMSEA = 0.01, and RMR = 0.01. The perception of self-efficacy in learning management had positive direct and indirect influences on the teacher’s engagement in learning management, transmitted through the expectation for learning management outcomes, that together defined the variance in teacher’s engagement in learning management for 71.20 percent.
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