Exploratory Factor Analysis of Self-Efficacy in English Reading of Tertiary Education Students

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Patsawut Sukserm
Chuthaphon Masantiah
Juthamas Saengngam


The purpose of this research was to investigate the exploratory factors of self-efficacy in English reading of tertiary education students. The sample used in this study consisted of 520 first-year tertiary education students of a public university in Bangkok, selected by simple random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire on self-efficacy in English reading, with a 25-item rating scale. The index of item congruence (IOC) ranged from 0.67 to 1.00, and the reliability was .897. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, exploratory component analysis by principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal rotation by Varimax method. The results showed that the self-efficacy in English reading of the tertiary education students consisted of 6 components, namely: 1) recognition of content elements, 2) assessment of content, 3) summary of content, 4) opinion on content, 5) comprehension of content, and 6) reading strategy on content, with an eigenvalue ranging from 1.016 to 7.895. These components could explain the cumulative variance for 60.461%.

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