Guidelines for Competency-Based Assessment in 21st Century

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Ujsara Prasertsin
Kamontip Srihaset
Areerat Laonoi


Provision of competency-based education is providing education with a competency-based curriculum system, competency-based learning and teaching, and competency-based assessment. The Ministry of Education has set guidelines for the development of learners’ competency at the basic education level. It aims to equip the learners with essential skills needed in the 21st century by giving the learners the opportunity to learn according to their interests and aptitudes and to progress according to their own abilities, with the aim of creating the core competencies necessary for their working, problem solving and living. The competency-based assessment in the 21st century comprises: (1) assessment for learning, assessment for diagnosis of learning problems of the learners, using a formative assessment model; (2) assessment while learning, to help the learners to become aware of their own learning, and to help students to design learning for continuous self-improvement, using a formative assessment model; and (3) evaluation of learning outcomes. It is an assessment to judge whether or not the learning outcomes have met the approved curriculum standards. The assessment uses a summative assessment. Evaluation can take a variety of formats: observation, demonstration and questioning, quizzes and subjective exams which are used to assess knowledge. Oral exams, project work, simulation or portfolios are also used. The core competencies used in measurement and evaluation are five essential competencies necessary for successful living and working: management, communication, teamwork, advanced thinking and strong citizenship. These will be the core components in setting the goals of developing the learners in the competency-based curriculum in order for them to have the essential skills needed in the 21st century for working, problem solving and living their own life in the future.

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