Development of Emotion Regulation Scale for Undergraduate Students

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Chanita Rungrueng


The research aimed to develop an emotion regulation scale, to develop test norms, and to construct the test manual for the emotion regulation scale for undergraduate students. The sample consisted of 501 Mahasarakham University’s undergraduate students, selected by multistage random sampling technique. The study process consisted of 1) construction of the items and analysis of the content validity, the common item slope (αi) and category threshold (βi) parameter by using Graded-Response Model, and analysis of construct validity of emotion regulation scale, 2) development of the test norms, and 3) construction of the test manual of emotion regulation scale for undergraduate students. The data is analyzed by using R programing with RStudio program. The research results indicated that:

1. The emotion regulation scale for undergraduate students comprised 15 items: 4 items of Monitoring, 6 items of Evaluating, and 5 items of Modifying. The results indicated that the content validity ratio (CVR) of all items was 1.000, the common item slope parameter (αi) was .726 to 1.959, the construct validity of the emotion regulation scale for undergraduate student model fitted to empirical data. Fit indices were χ2/df=1.350, GFI = 0.977, AGFI = 0.958, RMSEA = 0.026, CFI = 0.992, SRMR = 0.028, NFI = 0.969, NNFI = 0.986, and TLI = 0.986.

2. For the test norms, raw score was converted to T-score and divided into 3 levels: low range (T<40), normal range (T40-60), and high range (T>60). The raw score of 15-49 was in low range, 50-67 in normal range, and 68-75 in high range.

3. The test manual for the emotion regulation scale for undergraduate students consisted of the definition of emotion regulation, development of the scales, test execution, standard scores and interpretation of the test results.

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