A Participatory Model in Virtue and Ethic Promotion for Early Childhood Children in Schools under Buriram Primary Education Service Area Offices

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Somsriphisut Krai-apaiwong
Nawamin Prachanant
Kovit Vajarintarangroon


This research aimed to 1) study the components of virtues and ethics for early childhood children, 2) investigate participation in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children, 3) construct and develop a participatory model in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children in schools under Buriram Primary Education Service Area Offices, and 4) evaluate the participatory model in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children. The research design was divided into 4 stages:1) studying the components of virtues and ethics for early childhood children; 2) studying the participation in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children, 3) constructing and developing the participatory model in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children in schools under Buriram Primary Education Service Area Offices; and 4) evaluating the participatory model in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children. The target group consisted of 3 school administrators, 6 early childhood education teachers, 12 parents of early childhood children, and 9 basic education institution committee members and community leaders, totaling 30, from 3 outstanding schools with royal award of virtue and ethic promotion: Ban Nongyaplong School, Ban Nongkarako School, and Anuban Lamplaimat School. The research instruments were 4 sets of in-depth interview guides, observation forms, and an expert’s evaluation form. The collected data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, the mean, standard deviation and content analysis technique.The findings can be summarized as follows:

1. The virtues and ethics for early childhood children consisted of 8 components, namely honesty, kindness, discipline, economizing and saving, gratitude, sufficiency, courteousness, and having voluntary mind.

2. The participation in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children was of 2 facets: participation and processes of participation. The participation was divided into direct participation and indirect participation. While the process of participation was composed of 4 steps: brainstorming and planning, taking action, monitoring, and sharing mutual benefits.

3. The participatory model in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children in schools under Buriram Primary Education Service Area Offices incorporated more direct participation than indirect participation. Meanwhile, the process of brainstorming and planning were found most, followed by taking action, monitoring and sharing mutual benefits, respectively.

4. The participatory model in virtue and ethic promotion for early childhood children in schools under Buriram Primary Education Service Area Offices was evaluated and confirmed by 21 experts for correctness, appropriateness, and possibility. It was found that, on the whole, the results were at the high level. When considered by aspect, it was found that the correctness was at the highest level while the appropriateness and possibility were at the high level.

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