A synthesis of Researches on the 21st Century Competency Measurement Tool Development for Secondary School Students

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Saranya Chanchusakun
Tatsirin Sawangboon


This research aimed to 1) evaluate the quality of researches on the 21st century competency measurement tool development for secondary school students, 2)study characteristics of research affecting the standard indices of the 21st century competency measurement tools for measuring quality of secondary school students, and 3) synthesize the body of knowledge about the development of tools for measuring the 21st century competencies of secondary school students. Ninety-two research papers were synthesized by meta-analysis method. The research instruments were research quality evaluative forms and research characteristics coding forms. The data analysis employed descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and content analysis.

The findings were as follows:

1. The result of the research quality evaluation revealed that most theses (82.61%) were of good quality and the rest (17.39 %) were of very good quality.

2. The results of the analysis of research characteristics affecting the quality standardized indices of the 21st century competency measurement tools for the secondary school students indicated that:

   2.1 There were 11 research characteristic variables affecting the reliability standardized indices. They were: types of institutions that produce research, institutions that produce research, fields of research, researcher’s gender, regions, levels of the sample, types of measurement tool, number of choices or criteria, scoring, number of items in the subtest and sampling designs.

  2.2 The research characteristic variable affecting the validity standardized indices was the related content.

  2.3 There were 6 research characteristic variables affecting the difficulty standardized indices: year of publishing, types of research, measurement tool developing, types of measurement tool, number of choices or criteria, and sampling designs.

   2.4 There were 10 research characteristic variables affecting the discrimination standardized indices: year of publishing, types of institutions that produce research, institutions that produce research, fields of research, researcher’s gender, regions, levels of the sample, types of measurement tool, number of items in the subtest, and the sample size.

3. The synthesis of the body of knowledge revealed that the steps of measurement tools development in each competency were similar but there were differences in the types and scoring criteria of measuring tools. The tools were classified into 4 groups as follows: 1) rating scale, 2) situation test, 3) multiple-choice test and, 4) subjective test.

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