Development of Educational Measurement and Evaluation Capacity Building for Preservice Teachers using Empowerment Evaluation Model

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Somphatsorn Buarod
Sirichai Kanjanawasee
Suwimon Kitcharuehart


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop a model of educational measurement and evaluation capacity building for preservice teachers using empowerment evaluation, 2) study the results of the experiment of the educational measurement and evaluation capacity building for preservice teachers using empowerment evaluation. The sample consisted of preservice teachers, mentors and educational supervisors. The sample was divided into experimental and control groups. The research Instruments consisted of a model quality evaluation form, a test, a skills evaluation form and a test on attitude towards educational measurement and evaluation.

 The research findings indicated that: 1) The model of educational measurement and evaluation capacity building for preservice teachers using empowerment evaluation consisted of 7 steps as follows: 1) Pre-Training, 2) Established Mission, 3) Taking Stocks, 4) Planning, 5) Process Evaluation, 6) Outcome Evaluation and 7) Sharing. Twenty-two weeks were spent to complete all of the activities. Each step used strategies and principles of empowerment evaluation by using an application on the smart phone or tablet together with field work. The experts evaluated that the model had the highest quality of suitability and feasibility. The result of the experiment of the model of educational measurement and evaluation capacity building for preservice teachers using empowerment evaluation revealed that the preservice teachers were able to improve the educational measurement and evaluation capacity building, especially the preservice teachers in the experimental group. Their mean of knowledge, understanding and practical skills in educational measurement and evaluation was significantly higher than the control group at the .05 level. There were no differences in the attitude towards educational measurement and evaluation.

In using empowerment evaluation, it is advisable to consider the characteristics of the assessor because the assessor needs to stimulate and to follow up until the preservice teachers meet the specified goals.

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