A Network Meta-Analysis of Teaching Method Influencing Mathematics Achievement of Students

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Waranyu Chayaban
Darunee Tippayakulpairoj
Sorawee Siripila
Sukumarn Noklang
Natthapon Anantanasan
Siripreeya Chaiboonma
Chayut Piromsombat


The aims of this research were 1) to analyze the total effect size and variation of the effect size of teaching methods on mathematics achievement of students, 2) to study characteristics of research that influence the effect size of teaching methods on mathematics achievement of students, and 3) to compare the effect size of teaching methods on mathematics achievement of students. The sample consisted of 20 researches selected according to PICO and PRISMA and analyzed by using effect size analysis, moderation analysis, and network meta- analysis.

 The key findings were as follows: 1) The total effect size of the teaching methods on mathematics achievement of students was 0.63. 2) The effect sizes of the teaching methods on mathematics achievement of students in each research had high heterogeneity with statistical significance at the .05 level (Q (30) =164.62, p < .001, I2 = 79.43%). 3)The characteristics of research influencing the effect size of the teaching methods on mathematics achievement of students were location and controlling covariate. 4) A result of the network meta-analysis showed that the highest effect size of teaching methods was transfer, and the least effect size of teaching methods was program technology.

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